Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving Out of Grad School

Another contributing factor to my quarter life crisis might be the fact that I recently completed my masters program. I am now a Master of the Fine Art of acting. Which, incidentally, is the terminal degree in my field (my field being acting), so the chances of my pursuing further education at this point seem... slim. Especially in light of the whole student loans to employment prospects ratio.

It might be worth mentioning that I've been in formal schooling since 1992, when I started kindergarten. I have never, within my conscious memory, not been in school. Does this mean that my current self is closer to my four year old self than any other incarnations of my... self? Sorry, I think that's the kombucha talking.... I guess what I'm saying is I have three diplomas and zero real-world experience to go with them. I'm like a hologram. Or a replicant. Or Sam Rockwell's character in Moon (oops, spoiler alert). 

Pros of Being Out of School:
  • I'm not actively borrowing money anymore.
  • People will perhaps less frequently tell me that I don't know what the "real world" is like (although probably not...) 
  • Strangers will stop giving me unsolicited advice about what to do with my life (although probably not...)
  • No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks. 
Cons of Being Out of School:
  • I have to start paying back the money that I borrowed. 
  • No more student discounts (technically speaking...)
  • I will have to depend on "real world" friend-making skills, no more instant-pal classmates. (Whatever happened to friendster?)
  • Day job.
Anyway I went back to the theater to clean out my locker, the photo above shows its contents. I've always been fascinated by the idea of seeing one's clothing hung out on a clothes-line, like some shell of your identity strung up so that you can get an outside perspective. This is sort of the same thing.

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